
My Mind’s Confusing Game Poem

The poem, entitled “My Mind’s Confusing Game”, was written during a time when I was in a moody state of mind. On that particular day, my wife and I were quite involved in painting the walls of a room at our house, and to be honest I was not in a painting mood. Lol.

While taking a short break, which I welcomed, I decided to listen to Leonard Cohen’s poem, “My Lady Can Sleep”, which inspired me, for I quickly grabbed my iPhone, and on a Word document, wrote the following poem. What is it all about? I will let you decide.

My Mind’s Confusing Game

I sit here before you

One might say in boredom, but I think that it’s defeat

I wonder if I will be taken

To find answers for survival, or to a peaceful sleep.

Should I question my actions?

Ask where I’m going from this point on?

Or should I just remain defeated

As one who’s never won?

I want to hold you in the morning

Without guilt and with no shame

I want to lie there beside you

So as to break the patterns of this game.

Will you change my inner being?

Touch me with your soul?

Hold your body close to me

And erase from existence a side of myself that I behold?

Tell me if my questions, my wants, and all my hopes

Give solace to the existence, that this my body holds.

Tell me if I’m foolish, looking for that which might never be attained

As I sit here feeling broken, in my state of consciousness and pain.

In my mind I search for freedom

from the shackles that I wear.

And it is often through your existence

That I find the love and care.

I want to hold you in the morning

Without guilt and with no shame.

I want to lie there beside you

So as to break through the cobwebs of my mind’s confusing game.

My Mind’s Confusing Game

Welcome to My Poetry (Creative Unknown Meets Poet)


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