
The Media and the News Poems

Media and News Poems: The media is a powerful entity in our world. To a great degree, it has the power to influence our minds, at times creating confusion and/or distorted and bias “news” that runs contrary to what news should be.

In addition to mainstream media, we have social media, which is filled with self serving, often emotional and mindless statements, testimonies, and conclusions, often using recipes of false news, lies, distortions, and inaccuracies.

The following poems have embed within them my interpretations and conclusions of the consequences of mainstream media, social media, and the news, both for society and the individual.

About the following poem: Early morning on my deck, a coffee in hand, soothing music playing, moments of tranquility and bliss, enjoying all which this beautiful day has to offer. And then I pick up my smart phone, for I desire to read the “morning news”…

In My Mind

As I sit here

Absorbing the calming rays of the morning sun

I read, and then realize how chaotic disarray attempts to make love with harmony

In s world of insanity

While it tries to influence my mind

During this moment in time.

I interpret the “informative news”

As a need to amalgamate absurdities

With solutions for serenity

While initially resisting wishes and temptations of conformity

In my mind

During this moment of time.

And then slowly I am swallowed up by these intellectual stupidities

And I lose clarity and sanity

And become a victim of hypocrisy

Falling head first into the world’s quicksand of misery

Which wants to swallow up my mind

During this moment in time.

In My Mind

About the following poem: And quite often… the lies and distortions… create confusion and delusion.

It’s Nothing But Delusion

Today they believed the lies

the distorted truths… the accusations… and wrong-doing cries

the created fabrications which are easy to consume

conceptualizations and distortions… abundant and abloom.

Responsibility once assumed… but now rarely seen

reality now falsified… made convoluted… and obscene.

And the beat goes on….

as the mind is twisted

like that character… on Prodigal Son.

And while these false narratives appear

which the perpetrator wishes that all will embrace

the ego desperately asserts and manipulates

loyalty and trust is what it requires, and necessitates

but the soul is slaughtered… beaten… and no where to be found

and truth is tossed… lost… by perplexing theories which abound

while delusion….

leaves nothing but despair and mind confusion.

And life goes on….

the mind twisted

like that character… on Prodigal Son.

It’s Nothing But Delusion

Welcome to My Poetry (Creative Unknown Meets Poet)


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